Hello! Happy Weekend all!
I'm not so much feeling the weekend vibe at the moment unfortunately, I've come down with a cold/flu that's been chasing me the last couple of weeks. Looks like my immune system finally gave in this week eh!
But it's a good opportunity to share how my eating habits usually go out the window when I feel under the weather. So when I start to feel poorly, usually my body immediately starts to signal "feed me! feed me all the food!" and in an effort to comfort myself I forget my healthy eating habits and start eating things I shouldn't. I don't mean chocolate/sweets by the way, I just mean stodgy, filling comfort foods that I usually wouldn't eat like bread, pasta, potatoes etc and of course I say "bu-bye!" to my calorie count. This means when I start to recover, not only do I feel a bit yuck after being ill for a while, I feel in worse shape and horrible after all the bad food I've been filling myself with for a moment of comfort. It's a lose lose situation, no good comes out of it!
This time I've decided not to go completely off the wagon so to speak! Yesterday I was feeling a tad too ill to even comfort eat so I had a pitta bread with tuna for lunch with tomatoe soup filled with chilli powder, chilli flakes and cayenne pepper. Chilli is great for your immune system and I always have this remedy when I'm ill, it does help immensely! As I was also too ill to go shopping or cook, it was another tuna pitta for dinner with tea (black with honey instead of sugar). Afterwards I cut up some lemon and ginger, added boiling water and a teaspoon of Manuka Honey (thanks Fitz, you're an angel!) and covered the mug to steam for about 5 minutes. This drink is so soothing for a cold/flu especially when you have a sore throat :)
So the plan for food today (himself has kindly gone to get shopping for me, thanks babe!) is as follows:
Mini Fry
- 2 streaky rashers
- 2 pieces of black pudding
- 1 fried egg
- Sun stream tomatoes
- Chicken pitta
- Avocado
- Tomatoe soup (with all the chilli!)
- Fillet steak
- Asparagus
- Broccoli
- Mushrooms
So slight cheating with the fry and pitta bread but nothing near as bad as what I used to do!
If you do feel the need to have a snack when you feel like crap then popcorn is a good, healthy snack to have. I've already told himself to pick some up on his way home later! :P
Also if anyone is interested in home remedies, in addition to the above I've been using Colloidal Silver spray, it's amazing! I spray it in my mouth and leave it to sit for a few minutes before swallowing it. Here are some of the benefits and ailments it can be used to treat:
- Antibacterial - colloidal silver's ability to control antibiotic-resistant superbugs is astonishing
- Wound Care/Skin Health
- Pink Eye/Ear Infections
- Antiviral
- Anti-Inflammatory
- Sinusitis
- Cold/Flu
- Antibacterial - colloidal silver's ability to control antibiotic-resistant superbugs is astonishing
- Wound Care/Skin Health
- Pink Eye/Ear Infections
- Antiviral
- Anti-Inflammatory
- Sinusitis
- Cold/Flu
Aswell as that I have Echinacea liquid in the house and that can be used to boost your immune system and reduce the severity/length of colds.
So I hope you all enjoy your weekend, I'll be here dosing up trying to recover for Monday! :)
Any Q's, leave a comment or mail me on my Facebook page!
Aoife xx
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