I tried this short workout today, I found it by searching google images!
Ciaran had the dinner on when I came home, it smelled amazing and I reaaaaally didn't want to do anything but get into my comfies and chill but I persevered and glad I did now!
I completed the workout and added in 20 extra squats before the run to tie in with my 30 Day Squat Challenge but I did have trouble with the 40 crunches. I think my form isn't great and I'm rounding my back causing more strain on my back and less strain where I should be feeling it - my abs! Once I started feeling pain in my back I stopped - never continue when something is painful. I'm not talking about "the burn" because that's good and you should always try fight through the burn! :P But when you feel a strain, if you feel as if you're not doing something right, then stop. Chances are, you're not doing the exercise correctly and you could cause yourself injury or even worse, long term damage.
I found this link to explain how to help if you are also experiencing this problem:
So I'm going to work on this over the next couple of weeks. It's better to do a handful of proper form crunches than 40/50 bad form ones which aren't working your muscles correctly.
After the workout, I went for a quick 15 minute run opting to run faster in intervals rather than jogging. So I ran for approx. 300M stopped for a breather, started, stopped, started, stopped etc and I won't lie, I was wrecked when I finished up!
Moral of the story this evening is, even if you don't feel like doing anything, do something! Even something small, that way you won't keep putting it off or "leaving it til tomorrow" like I used to do so often.
I'm starting Pat Divilly's Tight Tummy Blueprint tomorrow. There's 14,000 other people doing it too and it looks pretty intense. Really looking forward to it so I'll keep you all updated on it too :D
Aoife xx

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